2010 Spring
For Immediate Release
Baylor’s highly decorated Model OAS team traveled to Washington, D.C. March 29-April 5 to participate in the 39th annual Washington Model OAS, sponsored by the Inter-American Institute for Diplomatic Dialogue in the Americas and by the Organization of American States. In the model, Baylor students participated with delegates from thirty different universities representing six different countries and fourteen different states, proposing and debating resolutions on topics ranging from water sanitation to terrorism. While representing the country of Colombia, the Baylor Team visited with First Secretary Mr. Mauricio Barquero Pardo of the Colombian Mission to the OAS as well as Papal Nuncio Archbishop Pietro Sambi. Baylor students were an integral part of running the model, being elected to three of the five chairperson positions last year. Serving as chairs were senior Hunter Klein (Political Science Major from Tomball), sophomore Michael Lyssy (International Studies Major from Falls City). Brittney Quezada (Political Science Major from Houston) served as rapporteur, and graduate Renee Sanchez (Spanish, Brownsville) served as the president of the model. Joshua Hyles (Graduate Student History from Mabank), served as Graduate Assistant for the team and Daniel Hoover (Graduate Student in History from Waco) was the Public Information Officer. Michael Lyssy was elected president of the 2011 model, marking the third consecutive year in which Baylor has held the Washington presidency, and its sixth consecutive presidency for the models in which it participates. Team members were (from left to right): Dr. Joan Supplee, Daisy Marchena (BIC Senior, International Studies Major from Houston), Jimmy Smith (Sophomore, Political Science Major from Rockwall), Brittney Quezada, Renee Sanchez, Hilary Andrews (Honors, Junior, History Major from The Woodlands), Amanda Honey (Sophomore, History Major from Celina), Daniella Romero (Senior, International Studies Major from Mexico City), Hunter Klein, Joshua Hyles, Manny Muñoz (BIC, Senior, Political Science Major from San Antonio), Tyler Talbert (Honors, Senior, International Studies Major from Waco), Rob Bradfield (Sophomore, Theater Performance Major from Waco), Ally Gutierrez (BIC,Sophomore, Political Science from Cypress), Michael Lyssy (Falls City), Catherine Gibson (Junior. Latin American Studies Major from Bedford), and Daniel Hoover. The team is led by Dr. Joan Supplee and sponsored by the Department of History. A part of this team will compete in the Spanish language model in Lima, Peru in May and Baylor will return to San Antonio in November for the fall MOAS competition.
For more information please contact:
- Joshua Hyles at: Joshua_Hyles@baylor.edu Graduate Assistant
- Daniel_Hoover@baylor.ed Public Information Officer
- Manny Muñoz at: Manny_Munoz@baylor.edu Co-Head Delegate
- Daisy_Marchena@baylor.edu Co-Head Delegate
- Renee Sanchez at: Renee_Sanchez@baylor.edu President, 2010
- Hunter Klein at: Hunter_Klein@baylor.edu Chair, Committee Four
- Michael Lyssy at: Michael_Lyssy@baylor.edu Chair, Committee Three and President, 2011
- Dr. Supplee at: Joan_Supplee@baylor.edu